
Nine ways to plan for your first Christmas with baby.

Nine ways to plan for your first Christmas with baby.

While the festive period is a unique time of year for most families, whether an extended family, blended family or a single parent family, if you’re a brand new parent of a newborn or even an 11 month old, this is your first Christmas together as a family of three so it’s going to be an extra special holiday. You’ll want it to be memorable for all the right reasons – and that has a lot to do with your expectations.

Couples at Christmas: 6 things every couple should discuss BEFORE the holidays

Couples at Christmas: 6 things every couple should discuss BEFORE the holidays

The Holidays. It’s a time of year that promotes joy, harmony and togetherness. And often arguing,disagreement and falling out over how to actually achieve this!

Discussion, finding areas of agreement and some forward planning can help you both achieve the celebration that’s right for your family.

Here’s 6 key areas you’d do well to discuss NOW in order to enjoy an (almost) stress-free, loving end of year: