
Why some new parents stay together, while others fall apart

Why some new parents stay together, while others fall apart

The sad reality is it’s estimated that in the US, as many as 1 in 4 fathers leaves the family home by the time their child is four years old.

So what makes the difference between the parents that stay together and the families that don't survive early parenthood?

What Parent Stress Looks Like & Why Expectant Parents Need to Prepare for It

What Parent Stress Looks Like & Why Expectant Parents Need to Prepare for It

Many people know very well how stressful becoming a parent is... and yet nobody is out there giving expectant parents the heads up about it, much less showing them what they can do about it.

This needs to change!

The Stresses of Parenthood and How You Can Help Expecting Parents

The Stresses of Parenthood and How You Can Help Expecting Parents

You know the movie scene where the baby is born and both parents cuddle the baby together and  the baby fixes everything in their relationship- and then the three of them live happily ever after, The End. In reality that’s all it is - a scene from a movie. Find out how we as professionals can help families prepare for the stresses of parenthood