
Baby Friendly Conflict

Baby Friendly Conflict

Having a baby is normally an exciting and joyful time for a couple, so it might be surprising to find that the first year after baby is also a time of more conflict between partners. In fact, a whopping 92% of parents report increased disagreements during this time - and this was BEFORE the current virus crisis!

The Smallest Word that Makes the Biggest Difference: "I"

The Smallest Word that Makes the Biggest Difference: "I"

Your relationship with your partner is unique, so it makes sense that how you relate to each other would be unique, too. Your partner knows you intimately and has the power to both hold you up or pull you down like no one else. You have the same power with your partner too.

House vs. Work

House vs. Work

The thorny issue of housework is hands down the biggest source of conflict in most couple’s first few years of family life. This issue tends to peak around bubs’ three to six month mark, so if you aren’t there already, plan ahead for it.