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Five Relationship Gifts to Give Your Partner This Christmas

Five Relationship Gifts to Give Your Partner This Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving, but no-one ever said it had to cost a fortune! So, this year, why not give your loved ones these five relationship gifts. These gifts don’t break, in fact they can last a lifetime - and your partner will likely love you even more because of them!

Couples at Christmas: Long distance relationships

Couples at Christmas: Long distance relationships

Relationships come in all different shapes and sizes – and sizes, for some couples, includes the travelling distance between them!

Though some couples (even with families) manage to have happy, fulfilling permanent long-distance relationships, on the whole, long distance circumstances when you’re planning a family or have young children are due to commitments one or other of you have elsewhere. This could be due to shift work, work in remote locations, study, deployment, caring for elderly or ill parents or any other of the myriad of factors families live with.

So, how can you make long distance work as a couple and as a family at any time, not just during the holidays?

Sex life after baby - Is anybody doing it?

Sex life after baby - Is anybody doing it?

He wants it - you don’t, or maybe it’s the other way around? Let’s face it, either way, your sex life is likely to suffer when you’ve had a baby – and there are good reasons why. You might not be surprised (and maybe even relieved!) that around 80% of new mothers lose their mojo after they’ve had a baby.